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7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode

7627 Paket Baterai Lithium Ion E-motor Biaya Rendah Prismatik yang Dikemas Pabrik untuk Forklift Kereta Golf Penyimpanan Energi dengan Anoda LFP

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  • Produk-produk terkait

Fitur utama:

  • Desain prismatik untuk kepadatan energi yang optimal dan hemat ruang
  • Solusi berbiaya rendah untuk kebutuhan penyimpanan energi jangka panjang
  • Anoda LFP untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan stabilitas
  • Dikemas pabrik untuk jaminan kualitas dan kemudahan pemasangan
  • Cocok untuk berbagai kebutuhan daya, mulai dari kendaraan rekreasi hingga peralatan industri


  • Kereta golf untuk rekreasi dan transportasi
  • Forklift untuk gudang dan operasi logistik
  • Sistem penyimpanan energi untuk penggunaan perumahan dan komersial
  • Solusi daya cadangan untuk kesiapsiagaan darurat dan kehidupan di luar jaringan
  • Pembangkit listrik portabel untuk aktivitas dan acara di luar ruangan
Deskripsi Produk
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode factory
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier
Nama merek
Nomor model
Bahan Anoda
Mainan, Perkakas Listrik, Kereta Golf, Sepeda / Skuter Listrik, Kursi Roda Listrik, Sistem Penyimpanan Energi Surya, Catu Daya Tak Terputus, Forklift Listrik
Energi listrik
Negara penghasil asal
Chuzhou, Anhui, Tiongkok
Pelepasan tegangan pemutusan (V)
Tegangan pemotongan biaya) V)
Arus Debit Puncak (A)
Suhu Kerja
Pengisian 0 °C ~ + 55 °C Debit -20 °C ~ + 60 °C
Jumlah sel
Sel di dalam
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode factory
Profil Perusahaan
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode factory
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode manufacture
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier
Pengepakan & Pengiriman
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode factory
7627 Factory-Packed Prismatic Low-Cost E-motor Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Golf Carts Forklifts Energy Storage with LFP Anode supplier

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